SIGCIS events at SHOT in New Orleans
There's some terrific computer & information history events scheduled for the SHOT annual meeting in New Orleans, coming soon on November 10-13, 2022. Here's an overview of the meeting; there's three elements in particular that you should check out:
1. On Friday Nov 11 we’ll have the "SIGCIS Business Lunch,” which will be a great opportunity to catch up. This also will be the venue for our much-anticipated SIGCIS Book Auction, where we’ll have a variety of recent and ‘classic' volumes on hand, ready to go to the highest bidder. All proceeds go to SIGCIS travel awards and initiatives for improving accessibility and inclusivity for our SIGCIS conferences.
2. There are no SIGCIS-sponsored panels at SHOT this year, but, my goodness, there are more fascinating papers and panels than I can handle. The draft program (NB: link leads to a Word .docx) has all the details. The good stuff includes Friday panels on Surveillance (session F8); Writing and Code (F15); the “New” or “Knowledge” Economy (F17); Logistics in Computing (F24); authors from the new book Abstractions & Embodiments (F32); Telegraphy (S12); Personal Computing (S24)… and much more! Please take a look at the program; and if you can’t travel to NOLA, note that some panels will be streamed, and you can access them by registering for the “Hybrid Only” option.
3. On Sunday November 13, the return of the in-person SIGCIS Conference! This year’s theme is “Under Construction,” featuring a keynote by Lilly Irani, presentations of the Computer History Museum Prize and Mahoney Prize, and over 2 dozen papers, including some tasty morsels from the wonderful and kind souls on the SIGCIS mailing list. No hybrid option is available for the Sunday conference, but we are already working on our next SIGCIS meeting in Fall 2023 which will be exclusively online. We hope to see you in New Orleans!