Oct 25, 2012 was a Banner Day at Computer History Museum!

This Thursday, Oct 25th was a huge event day at the CHM in Mt View, CA.  The week included a number of important events and milestones:

1. There were 5 different venue rental events on Oct 25th, including Day One of the Rusnano Conference; Day Two of the Internet Identify Conference; a Symantec theme party; a K&L Gates meeting, and the University of Texas.

2. There was also a Quarterly CHM Board of Trustees meeting.

3. Thursday is a "open to the public" day for the CHM's flagship Revolution exhibit.  There were over 1,100 visitors were at the museum- quite a bit for a work day.

4. Every available space/inch of the museum was used on Oct 25th.  Some rooms were even used twice in one day.  And just about every parking space was filled. Since there wasn't enough meeting space, the museum arranged a meeting in a full-sized rental bus in the parking lot! Might be a new business opportunity for the entreprenuerally-minded - a fleet of mobile meeting rooms. :-)

5. Wednesday marked the CHM reunion of former Shockley Seminconductor Lab employees and their families. They all got together at the Museum to tour a semiconductor exhibit on silicon. More on that exhibit at:


Here’s the reunion story from today’s San Jose Mercury:


Oral history of Shockley Labs is at:


And how Shockley Labs gave birth to the semiconductor industry in Santa Clara Valley (now called Silicon Valley: http://www.computerhistory.org/events/The_Rise_of_Silicon_Valley_EventSu...

6.  On October 21st, Microsoft’s Chief Research Officer Rick Rashid was in Conversation with NYT’s John Markoff at the museum.

Here's the event summary:  http://ithistory.org/blog/?p=1776


Bottom line: CHM is becoming one of the most popular gathering spot in Santa Clara Valley (AKA Silicon Valley)!