Thanks to all for another successful SIGCIS workshop

Tom Misa's Keynote on Cyberinfrastructures 2011
Tom Haigh's Intro 2011 (Sexy Bill Gates slide courtesy of Marie Hicks)
Dissertations in Progress Session 2011
Closing Plenary 2011
Cleveland Public Art 2011

This year's workshop has now come and gone successfully and thanks are in order for all of the speakers and attendees who made it a success. Tom Misa has offered slides from his keynote talk to be posted here.

This year, we had (fittingly, I think) more content from the SHOT conference as a whole showing up in posts on Twitter and other social networking sites like Google+. You can read the Twitter coverage of the events at #SHOT2011, as well as #HSS2011 and #4S2011. Significantly, the Robinson prize winner's paper not only got tweeted about and reddited, but also written up in The Atlantic.

This seems like an exciting time for our community as a whole to be able to reach new audiences. I heartily encourage everyone to think about how they might integrate these new technologies for public discourse into their next trip to SHOT and the SIGCIS workshop, and let us know if you come up with any brilliant ideas on how to do so! I hope to tweet the next meeting again from @histoftech, and I'll also be tweeting history of technology tidbits in the interim.

And, don't forget to send in your syllabi for our syllabus repository when you get a chance: there are plans in the works to link this repository and other SIGCIS resources with the main SHOT website, gradually building out a more robust set of history of technology resources offered by SHOT online.

Attached to this post are a few pictures from the event. For more, see Tom Haigh's photos on the SIGCIS facebook page.