SHOT 2011 Syllabi Session

SIGCIS Workshop 2011 Logo

After today's syllabus session at SHOT it seems like an ideal time to remind folks that we have a great repository of syllabi in the history of computing, information, and technology here on the site. Go to or navigate down to "syllabi" in the bar on the left hand side.

It is also an opportune time to ask for more contributions. If you have a syllabus that you'd like to share that deals with history of computing, history of technology, history of communication, or anything else that fits with the SIGCIS's mission and interests, please post a link in the comments section on the syllabus page, and I'll add your syllabus to the list. Or, you can email your syllabus to me at in a PDF file.

We're also making efforts to link up our syllabus resources with the main SHOT website, potentially in a way that creates new searching and sorting capabilities, so keep an eye out for that!