Computer (Art) World

Ben Fino-Radin, “Personal Computer,” or a fibrous reinterpretation of the Macintosh 128k. Plastic canvas and yarn, 2007
Cody Trepte, Binary cross-stitch of “Can technology be understood outside of itself?” Fabric, 2006

Those of you in or around NYC might be interested in the exhibit series called the Silent Series at the New Museum, which aims to present interactions between contemporary art and technology.

Past exhibits in the series, like Craft Hackers have raised questions about the relationship between art and craft in the technical realm and the realm of high art.  Craft Hackers' conceptual pieces envisioned a playful world of mismatched materials and goals, challenging the viewer to reconsider how technology incorporates into our ways of seeing, knowing, and constructing the world. Nodding to 1970s-era feminist artists' attempts to reclaim decorative art from the realm of kitsch and elevate craft to the same level as more traditional studio art, the exhibit problematized the relationship between art and craft in different fields and times.

Upcoming events in the series include Donna Haraway's Expanded Benefits Package on Sept. 16th, which questions the relationship between the human body and technologies of cultural creation, and Genre-Specific Xperience on October 21st, which seeks to redefine electronic music genres.

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