
R|evolution: The First 2,000 Years of Computer History

Dear friends,

CHM is completing construction of its signature 25,000 sq ft, $17 million dollar on the history of computing. Due to open in January 2011, R|evolution will be accessible to the general public and technical audiences alike and will feature over 1,000 artifacts from CHM's world-beating historical collection.

See: for more information.

Total Recall and e-memory Revolution are coming: Gordon Bell and Jim Gemmell at the Computer History Museum

To commemorate their new book - Total Recall - the Computer History museum recently hosted a lecture and "fireside chat" on the subject of e-Memory and its ability to reshape our lives. This article is an account of that lecture and discussion, as well as a personal perspective on the subject matter.

SIGCIS 2009 Workshop

SIGCIS 2009 Workshop:
Michael Mahoney and the Histories of Computing

Sunday, October 18, 2009, Hilton Hotel, Pittsbugh, Pennsylvania

This was the inaugraual SIGCIS workshop and we had not quite settled into our routine of posting the CFP on a page and then adding the full program details to the same location as we progressed. However, we did post the full schedule, abstracts, and the full text of papers in the sessions with precirculation formats and these are all available from the links below.

Silicon Engine exhibit at the Computer History Museum in Mt View, CA

by Alan J. Weissberger

On July 1st, the Computer History Museum (CHM) launched the Silicon Engine exhibit, which traces the history of semiconductors that led to the design of the first microprocessor- the Intel 4004. Very impressive artifacts from the CHM collection are displayed in a glass enclosed panel. The artifacts illustrate: early transistors, Jean Hoerni’s first planar transistor (the planar process of semiconductor manufacturing was a key enabler of producing ICs), the genesis of the integrated circuit, the first transistor radio, IBM SLT manufacturing process, a semiconductor based computer circuit board, a 1965 calculator, and other early computing devices. Jack Kilby’s TI engineering notebook pages on the design of the integrated circuit are particularly impressive.

Call for Roommates: 2009 SIGCIS Workshop

Several attendees of the 2009 Workshop in Pittsburgh have expressed interest in reducing the costs of staying in the conference hotel. An easy way to do this is to find a roommate to split the bill. If you're interested in finding a roommate, just post a reply and look each other up in the Member Directory.

ACM History Fellowship

The Association for Computing Machinery, founded in 1947, is the oldest and largest educational and scientific society dedicated to the computing profession, and today has members in more than 100 countries. To encourage historical research, the ACM History Committee announces a new program of short-term fellowships in ACM history. This year we plan to make up to two $2,500 awards to support historical research on the wide variety of ACM related activities, including ACM members, officers, and prize winners, as well as ACM as an organization. Successful candidates may be of any rank, from graduate students through senior researchers.

The MIT Press Information Society Series -- An Interdisciplinary Series on Technology, Law, and Society

Series Editors, Laura DeNardis and Michael Zimmer

We are delighted to announce the formation of the MIT Press Information Society Series – an interdisciplinary series on technology, law, and society. The Information Society Series will address the social, legal, and policy implications of the Internet and new information technologies and will especially feature works from the growing global ranks of interdisciplinary scholars in information schools; communications departments; science, technology, and society programs; and programs in law, technology, and culture.

We are now accepting book proposals for the series. Preference will be given to monographs rather than edited volumes and books that are interdisciplinary, normative, and global in scope. Book proposals should include: 1) a prospectus (brief description, outstanding features and uniqueness of work, audience and market considerations, status of book, and recommended reviewers); 2) a detailed table of contents; 3) sample chapters; and 4) the author's curriculum vitae. Please submit completed proposals to and

History of Computing Prominent at 3 Societies Conference

The 2008 Joint Meeting of the BSHS, CSHPS, and HSS (aka 3 Societies) held at Keble College, Oxford in July was the site of several talks and sessions of interest to SIGCIS.

Michael S. Mahoney has passed away

Renowned historian, and friend and colleague of many SIGCIS members, Michael S. Mahoney, died last night. Further information, including UPDATES, is posted below.

UPDATE 7/28/08: Times of Trenton published an obituary, "Princeton University loses a 'master teacher'". The Times article relays Angela Creager's apt summary of Mike's gifts as a teacher.

Call for Syllabi

One of the missions of SIGCIS is to create a repository of history of computing syllabi. The subject is taught all over the world, but there's not enough interaction between those who teach it. What better way to start than to share the syllabi we've developed?

If you would like to contribute yours to the collection here, just email it to


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